SPRINGFIELD – Illinois residents who have been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal would be able to receive special license plates under an initiative sponsored by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville).
“It’s important that we recognize these officers’ commendable service, and allowing the Secretary of State to issue these special plates is one way we can show our thanks,” Belt said. “These officers put their lives on the line for our country. It would be an honor for the State of Illinois to be able to give them this small token of our appreciation.”
Read more: Belt honors awardees of Defense Superior Service Medal with special plate
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) released the following statement regarding the governor’s budget address Wednesday afternoon:
”I appreciate Gov. Pritzker proposing funding for additional personnel to allow appropriate staffing ratios at corrections facilities across the state. I spent 16 years with the St. Clair County Probation and Detention Center and two years as the regional deputy administrator of Aftercare for the central and southern regions of Illinois, so I strongly applaud him for considering the safety of our correctional officers.
Read more: Belt supports governor’s proposal for criminal justice reform
SPRINGFIELD – Civilians who have been arrested and were acquitted of charges would no longer be required to pay for their records to be expunged under a proposal by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) that passed the Senate Criminal Law Committee Tuesday.
“Why should civilians have to pay for their records to be expunged if they were not found guilty?” Belt asked. “It seems as if we are punishing the people for even being arrested and continuing to create a barrier for these people to not be able to obtain employment.”
Read more: Belt demands fee waiver program for certain expungements
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) released the following statement regarding the governor’s State of the State address this afternoon:
“I am glad to see Gov. JB Pritzker’s top priorities will revise our state’s ethics procedures, early childhood education and provide property tax relief for residents throughout the state. Providing property tax relief will help people with their basic expenses and hopefully retain our residents.
Read more: Belt: Property tax relief will help retain our residents
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